Getting Started


You can install AdaptiveBridge via pip:

pip install adaptivebridge

Alternatively, you can install AdaptiveBridge directly from the source code. Download the package and navigate to the folder:

   git clone
   pip install -r requirements.txt


Model Initialization

To begin, make sure to initialize AdaptiveBridge's dependencies. You can use many supported models from scikit-learn, such as Linear Regression.

# Import a supported model, for example, Linear Regression.
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

model = LinearRegression()

Currently, AdaptiveBridge is designed to work with most scikit-learn models. Refer to the list below for unsupported models (for now):

  • KNeighborsClassifier

If you wish to use a custom model, ensure it aligns with the scikit-learn interface, implementing basic methods like .fit, .conf_ (or .feature_importances_), and .predict.

Initializing AdaptiveBridge

To start using AdaptiveBridge, import the AdaptiveBridge class from the adaptivebridge library:

# Import the AdaptiveBridge class from the adaptivebridge library.
from adaptivebridge import AdaptiveBridge

Initialize the AdaptiveBridge class by providing the following parameters:

  • model (Mandatory): The machine learning model (e.g., LinearRegression) for modeling.
  • correlation_threshold: The correlation threshold for feature selection based on correlation.
  • min_accuracy: The minimum accuracy required for feature selection.
  • default_accuracy_selection: The default accuracy threshold for feature selection.
  • importance_threshold: The threshold for feature importance.
  • accuracy_logic (Optional): Custom accuracy calculation logic.
adaptive_bridge = AdaptiveBridge(

Example: Model Initialization

Here are examples of how to initialize AdaptiveBridge:

# Example: Basic Initialization
import adaptivebridge as adaptivebridge
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

adaptive_bridge = AdaptiveBridge(LinearRegression())

# Example: Advanced Initialization
import adaptivebridge as adaptivebridge
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score  # Another method for accuracy that can be used

adaptive_bridge = AdaptiveBridge(LinearRegression(), correlation_threshold=0.25, min_accuracy=0.5, default_accuracy_selection=0.95, importance_threshold=0.1, accuracy_logic=r2_score)

Training (Fitting) AdaptiveBridge

To use AdaptiveBridge, you need to train (fit) it to a complete dataset without missing features or NaN values, including both the features and the target (y) separately. Here's how to do it:

See below how to train (fit) AdaptiveBridge model:

# Example: Fit method
import adaptivebridge as adaptivebridge
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

adaptive_bridge = AdaptiveBridge(LinearRegression())

# x_df: A data structure like a Pandas DataFrame containing the features.
# y_df: A data structure like a Pandas Series containing the target (y)., y_df)

# Now the adaptive_bridge instance contains all the necessary information, the Adaptive Model, the statistics, and the ability to predict and bridge any gaps in future datasets.

Making Predictions using AdaptiveBridge

To make predictions with AdaptiveBridge, you have two options:

  1. Using AdaptiveBridge's built-in .predict method, which utilizes the Adaptive Model(s) along with the core Bridge capabilities automatically.
  2. ing AdaptiveBridge's built-in .bridge method, which completes any missing features and NaN values in your dataset.

By using the .predict method, you'll have a faster and straightforward way to predict any dataset. Please see Making Predictions for more details.

By using the .bridge method, you'll have the core value of AdaptiveBridge, providing you with the data that includes any missing data, allowing for more flexibility in your next steps. Please see Bridging Missing Data for details.

Here's how to predict using AdaptiveBridge:

# Example: Predict using built-in method
import adaptivebridge as adaptivebridge
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

adaptive_bridge = AdaptiveBridge(LinearRegression())

# x_df: A data structure like a Pandas DataFrame containing the features.
# y_df: A data structure like a Pandas Series containing the target (y)., y_df)

# x_df_new: A data structure like a Pandas DataFrame containing the new features to predict.
ypred = adaptive_bridge.predict(x_df_new)

# Now ypred will contain the predictions. AdaptiveBridge allows you to predict data even when it has missing features (fully or partially).

By using .bridge, you will only get the fixed and completed dataset. Here's how to predict using AdaptiveBridge only to complete the dataset:

# Example: Fit method
import adaptivebridge as adaptivebridge
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

other_model = LinearRegression()
adaptive_bridge = AdaptiveBridge(LinearRegression())

# x_df: A data structure like a Pandas DataFrame containing the features.
# y_df: A data structure like a Pandas Series containing the target (y)., y_df)

# x_df_new: A data structure like a Pandas DataFrame containing the new features to predict.
x_df_complete = adaptive_bridge.bridge(x_df_new)

# To predict using another model or methods.
ypred = other_model.predict(x_df_complete)

# Now x_df_complete will contain the x_df_new dataset but completed, allowing it to be predicted using other models and not just AdaptiveBridge.

Predicting with AdaptiveBridge along with Feature Engineering

When using AdaptiveBridge, you aim to address data issues related to external data sources. Feature Engineering, of any kind, is based on a complete dataset containing the base features.

During the Feature Engineering phase, which is common in most ML projects, you'll need to input the data engineering feature names into AdaptiveBridge, allowing the model to classify those features as engineered ones.

Here's how to predict using AdaptiveBridge and enable Feature Engineering:

# Example: Predict using `.bridge` method only (in the future, AdaptiveBridge will also support user-input feature engineering functions, and the `.predict` method will be used for this)
import adaptivebridge as adaptivebridge
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

other_model = LinearRegression()
adaptive_bridge = AdaptiveBridge(LinearRegression())

# x_df: A data structure like a Pandas DataFrame containing the features.
x_df['feature1-Polynomial'] = x_df['feature1']**2  # An example of a feature generated using feature engineering
x_df['feature2-Polynomial'] = x_df['feature2']**2  # An example of a feature generated using feature engineering

# x_df: Now it will be a data structure like a Pandas DataFrame containing the features, including the features from the feature engineering phase.
# y_df: A data structure like a Pandas Series containing the target (y).

# .fit(*, x_df, y_df, feature_engineering=[FEATURE_ENGINEERING_LIST])
feature_engineering_list = ['feature1-Polynomial', 'feature2-Polynomial'], y_df, feature_engineering=feature_engineering_list)

# x_df_new: A data structure like a Pandas DataFrame containing the new dataset to be predicted. It will include only the features and not the target (y).
x_df_complete = adaptive_bridge.bridge(x_df_new)

x_df_complete['feature1-Polynomial'] = x_df_complete['feature1']**2
x_df_complete['feature2-Polynomial'] = x_df_complete['feature2']**2

# Now x_df_complete will contain the x_df_new dataset but completed, including the feature engineering, which can be predicted using other models and not just AdaptiveBridge.

ypred = adaptive_bridge.predict(x_df_complete)

# Now x_df_complete will contain the x_df_new dataset but completed, allowing it to be predicted using AdaptiveBridge. This model uses the features from feature engineering as well.

Please note that when using .bridge, the Feature Engineering stage needs to come after the dataset is completed. Providing these features beforehand in the new dataset to be predicted will not work because this dataset may have gaps, missing features, or NaN values for some data cells.

General Example of How to Use AdaptiveBridge

import adaptivebridge as adaptivebridge
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

# Load the dataset
df = pd.read_csv('cell_samples.csv', header=0, sep=',')
y_name = 'Class'
df = df.applymap(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x, errors='coerce'))
df = df.dropna()
x_df = df.drop([y_name], axis=1)
y_df = df[y_name]

# Basic feature engineering
x_df['MargAdh2'] = x_df['MargAdh']**2
x_df['UnifShape2'] = x_df['UnifShape']**2
x_df['BareNuc2'] = x_df['BareNuc']**2
x_df['BlandChrom2'] = x_df['BlandChrom']**2
x_df['SingEpiSize2'] = x_df['SingEpiSize']**2

xtrain, xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(x_df, y_df, test_size=0.15)

# Activate AdaptiveBridge model based on DecisionTreeClassifier
adaptive_bridge = adaptivebridge.AdaptiveBridge(model, correlation_threshold=0.25, min_accuracy=0.5, default_accuracy_selection=0.95, importance_threshold=0.1, accuracy_logic=None), ytrain, feature_engineering=['MargAdh2', 'UnifShape2', 'BareNuc2', 'BlandChrom2', 'SingEpiSize2'])

xtrain, xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(x_df, y_df, test_size=0.15)

# Fit the model, ytrain)

# Check the benchmark and see the features that can be covered by AdaptiveBridge
adaptive_bridge.benchmark(xtrain, ytrain)

This stage is to be used on a separate dataset that needs to be predicted.

dfnew = pd.read_csv('data/cell_samples-missing-features.csv', header=0, sep=',')  # New dataset with missing features
y_name = 'Class'
dfnew = dfnew.applymap(lambda x: pd.to_numeric(x, errors='coerce'))
dfnew = dfnew.dropna()
y_df = dfnew[y_name]
dfnew = dfnew.drop([y_name], axis=1)

dfnew = adaptive_bridge.bridge(dfnew)  # Complete the dataset

# Feature engineering
dfnew['MargAdh2'] = dfnew['MargAdh']**2
dfnew['UnifShape2'] = dfnew['UnifShape']**2
dfnew['BareNuc2'] = dfnew['BareNuc']**2
dfnew['BlandChrom2'] = dfnew['BlandChrom']**2
dfnew['SingEpiSize2'] = dfnew['SingEpiSize']**4

# Predict
ypred = adaptive_bridge.predict(dfnew)